Please follow the below link to view the studio’s full covid-19 safety plan, updated July 1st, 2021. Your children’s health and safety are always our biggest priorities. We are proud to offer dancers a place to share their love of dance in a safe environment always. We will continue to monitor the local guidelines and reserve the right to transition to online classes at any point for the overall safety of our Wayne Ballet family.
Mask wearing for students and faculty is now optional.
• Please do not attend class if you are ill. If you believe you have been exposed, please follow CDC guidelines.
• Please know that we completely respect and support everyone’s personal choice. Some students and teachers may wish to continue to wear masks in and around the studio.
• Cleaning and hand sanitizing procedures will continue in between each class and upon entering and exiting the building.
Drop off and pick up of students from the front of the building will still be preferred to keep lobby areas free from overcrowding.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We are proud to have been able to keep students dancing safely through the pandemic and will do our very best to continue.• Wayne Ballet Administrative Faculty